How do I find the best landlord insurance?

How do I find the best landlord insurance

How do I find the best landlord insurance

Of course your idea of the best landlord insurance you might not be the same as anyone else. That said, the methods of 'how to find the best landlord insurance' remain the same. Some property investors consider the best landlord as the cheapest. Others believe insurance that covers all scenarios is the best investment. Whatever you consider the best landlord insurance, here are our top tips on how to find the right policy.

Get detailed knowledge of your property.

Understand the property by gathering as much information as possible. Whatever level of coverage you seek, this will allow you to find the correct policy. As a basic you will need to calculate the rebuild and contents value. But additional information could be essential. An example or this is, if you plan to undertake a large project of refurbishment. The majority of insurance policies do not insure the property in this scenario.

Take the time to understand what landlord insurance is.

Landlord insurance is a package of various insurances, as such it can seem complex. Talk to an insurance broker, or research online the components of a typical policy. This will help you understand what the best insurance policy looks like. From here you will be better placed to seek out the best coverage.

Assess your risks

The best policy for you will cover all the risks you require at a price you are willing to pay. Maybe in an area of high demand you feel less at risk for properties being sat vacant. With a reliable property manager, you may not consider boiler coverage essential. If you are renting to trusted tenants malicious damage coverage may not be required.

Set a list of must haves

A list if must haves will help you when you start comparing your insurance policy. Whether this is a maximum price or a minimum level of coverage, it will give you a starting point. For example if only want to pay a maximum of £79 per annum for your insurance. This may help you to rule out some of the other insurance products.

Get quotations

This is a quick and easy part of the process. By getting multiple quotations you are able to compare and contrast the coverage and work out which is the best fit for your investment. To do this you can simply click here and fill out some basic details. This will allow us to start the process on your behalf. This is a free and independent service.

Talk to an insurance broker

Get an insurer broker to do the hard work for you! If reading 'how to get the best landlord insurance' leaves you worried you do not have enough time, do not despair! Working with an insurance broker may be the solution for you. We offer a free and independent service to help simplify 'how to get the best landlord insurance'. Working with underwriters we will help find the right insurance for your rental property. Making it is easier than ever before for busy property investors to know they have the best value coverage.


Advice and information about landlords insurance